The party was a swimwear party - apparently only for the two of them, as they were the only ones. That would be if you didn't count the two babies, Roxanne and Franklin who were lying on the grass next to their little "party". As Nicole slowly realised that the "party" was only an excuse for her to come, so Don Lorathio could flirt with her, she quickly abandoned the premises and went home, cursing her bad judgement of character.
When she went to work the next day, she thought to try out busking in front of the theatre and ironically enough, she met Don again. He told her, that he had a nice time the day before, and gave her a bunch of purple roses. She smiled awkwardly and accepted, but then slowly walked away to start playing - She wasn't about to get on that wagon.
And as she kept playing, builing up a small audience. She realised from the greetings in the crowd, that Cassandra Lorathio was amongst her listeners too.
But as if things weren't wierd with his wife in the crowd, Don decided to sweettalk Nina Caliente, whom Nicole had met at the Summer Festival with Brandi a couple of nights before. So she shook her head, and began playing "A Love Since Forgotten", as a tribute to the fact that Cassandra seemed to ignore her husband in a hot embrace, right next to her. Their relationship was certainly something Nicole didn't understand - and didn't want to end in the middle of. She checked Don of her "potential lovers-list" at that very moment.Still fresh on her "potental lovers"-list, was Rob. She met him on the sidewalk a couple of days later. Still having their first date fresh in memory, she was absolutely thrilled to see him again.
She even collected the nerve to ask him, whether he was seeing anyone at the moment. Which he wasn't. She was thrilled to hear this. Hopefully she'd found a decent guy this time!
So she hugged him. It was a little more than a friendly hug - but she couldn't resist. And she decided to invite him over for lunch. Which he quickly accepted.
Lunch was grilled Cheese, which Rob seemed to enjoy. He almost didn't hear her asking about what he thought of the adjusments she made to the house. Instead he complimented the grilled cheese. So she never found out what he thought of the blue roses on the walls.
They retreated to the living room, where Nicole learned a little more of Rob. She thought he was a little neurotic, but again - his charming eyes and pearl white smile quickly made up for that.So without thinking, she leaned in and kissed him.
Which he gladly returned.
Which lead to something else....
... something lovely and delicate.
Afterwards she felt lifted and beautiful. She'd forgotten how much love can do to a girl's self-confidence.So she asked him to go steady - which he instantly accepted.
I'm not good with the lovey dovey stuff.. But I am trying, hoping that this doesn't go all twilight, with the gazing in each others eyes. (;
I think you did perfectly well with lovey-dovey, but I agree, it is hard, and I tend to avoid moments where people in love are involved and get straight to the depressing/scary stuff, which I feel I'm strongest at.
SvarSletI LOVE how all the townies are from TS2!! I didn't realise how much I missed the old crowd until now! Did you make them all yourself, or are they available to download somewhere? A few of the families have made it into TS3, like the Goths, who have been in all 3, but I miss the Pleasants and the Brokes.
Loving this so far :) I like how she hasn't found a partner yet, when I started mine, I rolled couple so I just made the couple to speed things along ;) Look forward to the next chapter and I hope things work out with Rob!
The townies were a part of the World i'm playing, which is by Rflong7, and called Legacy Island.
I was looking for a world where i didn't have to add all the lots i needed in case i rolled any career, without the world getting too huge. And the townies just made it even more loveable :D
I decided to make her as a single, for starters... Her martial roll will be announced with the first born... :p
Wow, Lothario is even worse than he used to be in Sims 2. And... is Cassandra Lothario a former Cassandra Goth? O.o
SvarSletBut yay! Finally a guy in the town who isn't a cheating douchecanoe! Hooray!
Ding, ding! Correct. Cassandra has in this alternative world married the bastard (; We all know she could do better :p But what can you do ? What the heart wants, the heart gets (;
SletAnd Btw... Love the word douchecanoe... gotta use that at some point xD It has a nice ring to it!
Hooray, I'm so glad she's found someone who isn't already attached! I hope things work out well for them :)
SvarSletAnd they look absolutely adorable <3 :D... I'm not good with writing adorable... but the pictures speak for themselves!
SletGood call in marking Lothario off her list!
SvarSletAnd at least Rob liked her grilled cheese...and a few other things, it seemed :D
~~Margaret Pendragon
I need that eyebrowsmiley from MTS right now - to put after; "So, you like my grilled cheese, eh?" (;